MOCA Certification
Italian acronim stand for Materiali e Oggetti a Contatto con gli Alimenti
(Material and Product in touch with Food)

Brighi Srl thanks to a hard work got MOCA certification (Material and Product in touch with Food).Therefore we can supply plastic parts in full compliance with European laws.
Material and Product in touch with Food are subjected to European Regulamentation (CE) n. 1935/2004 that provides mandatory rules to be follewd for this products.
In order to get the certification our workflow has been improved to fulfill Regulamentation (CE) n. 1935/2004 as per the mandatory requirements of this European directive as follow:
RISK ANALYSIS: in order to detech any possible risks and the to apply a proper production workflow
TRACEABILITY: we have to issue a declaration of conformity and any product has to be traceable and properly marked
RAW MATERIAL DEDICATED and SEPARATE WORKFLOW: products suitable for food has to be manufactured separately with dedicated raw material
TESTS: we permor regularly some test to guarantee that our process full compliant with the regulamentation
Brighi S.r.l. promotes a peaceful environment, sustainable personal sharing and satisfaction over time. In order to get the goal we pay attention to the following points:
Any document is available as softcopy and hardcopy. Nella pianificazione rigorosa delle operazioni e dei relativi obbiettivi definiti con generale condivisione e coinvolgimento da parte di tutte le risorse impegnate nei processi.
We perform regularly check to verify that we are working in compliance of our quality standard.
White collar and blue collar attend to many training courses to improve their knowledge and professionality.
Ensure our quality standard to be competitive in our market and to check our strengthness and weakness to approach the opportunities available on the market.
Any supply is subjected to a cost analysis in order to check the proper marginality.
Understand customer needs and then proving proper solutions and suggestions.
It flow is subjected to a continuous improvements.